The effects of neutron irradiation on the mechanical properties of annealed and 20% cold-worked AISI 316 irradiated in EBR-II were determined for the temperature regime of 370 to 760/sup 0/C for fluences up to 8.4 x 10/sup 22/ n/cm/sup 2/ (E > 0.1 MeV). At irradiation temperatures below about 500/sup 0/C, both annealed and cold-worked material exhibit a substantial increase in the flow stress with increasing fluence. Furthermore, both materials eventually exhibit the same flow stress, which is independent of fluence. At temperatures in the range of 538 to 650/sup 0/C, the cold-worked material exhibits a softening with increasing fluence. Annealed AISI 316 in this temperature regime exhibits hardening and at a fluence of 2 to 3 x 10/sup 22/ n/cm/sup 2/ (E > 0.1 MeV) reaches the same value of flow stress as the cold-worked material