
Damage prediction models for composite T-Joints in marine applications


For a monocoque hull structure, the bulkhead is used to separate the hull into many compartments. A typical joint between the hull and bulkhead used in such structure is known as a T-joint. It consists of composite overlaminates over a shaped fillet to allow the transmission of direct and membrane shear stresses. This paper describes the numerical solutions of the analytical approach in studying of the effect of disbond for a composite ship T-Joint using two methods, the VCCT (Virtual Crack Closure Technique) and CTE (Crack Tip Element) method. The analysis was conducted for T-Joints with various disbond sizes. It was subjected to a straight pull-off load to simulate normal operational conditions. An experimental investigation was conducted to validate the FE (Finite Element) models. The results of the numerical and experimental studies are discussed to corroborate the effectiveness of using fracture mechanics for this analysing this structure. A modified CTE model for the T-joint is proposed to enable a like-for-like comparison to that evaluated by the VCCT method

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