
Effect of Ceramic Reinforcements on the Mechanical Behaviour of 7xxx series Aluminium Matrix Composites


The effect of ceramic reinforcements on the mechanical properties of 7xxx series aluminium matrix composites (AMCs) was critically reviewed. Reinforcement of an Al 7xxx alloy with ceramic particulates is expected to improve its tensile strength but in practice the incorporation has produced diverse results. Some researchers have reported significant increases in the tensile strengths of particulate reinforced 7xxx Al matrices while others have reported decreases in this property. The published data including our present experimental work performed on particulate reinforced Al 7xxx alloys was analysed to study the role of ceramic particulates on the tensile and fracture behaviour of this class of composites. It was concluded that high strength of the matrix can negate the benefits of particulate reinforcements though this role is still ambiguous and further work is required to optimise the potential enhancement of Al 7xxx matrix composites reinforced with nano-scale ceramic particles

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