MAGIQ at the W. M. Keck Observatory: initial deployment of a new acquisition, guiding, and image quality monitoring system


The W. M. Keck Observatory has completed the development and initial deployment of MAGIQ, the Multi-function Acquisition, Guiding and Image Quality monitoring system. MAGIQ is an integrated system for acquisition, guiding and image quality measurement for the Keck telescopes. This system replaces the acquisition and guiding hardware and software for existing instruments at the Observatory and is now the standard for visible wavelength band acquisition cameras for future instrumentation. In this paper we report on the final design and implementation of this new system, which includes three major components: a visible wavelength band acquisition camera, image quality measurement capability, and software for acquisition, guiding and image quality monitoring. The overall performance is described, as well as the details of our approach to integrating low order wavefront sensing capability in order to provide closed loop control of telescope focus

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