
Characterisation of Low Reynolds Number Fountain behaviour


Experimental evidence for previously unreported fountain behaviour is presented. It has been found that the first unstable mode of a wall bounded three dimensional round fountain is a laminar flapping motion that can grow to a circling or multi-modal flapping motion. With increasing Froude and Reynolds numbers, fountain behaviour becomes more disorderly, exhibiting a laminar bobbing motion. The transition between steady behaviour, the initial flapping modes and the laminar bobbing flow can be approximately described by a function C =FrRe 2/3. The transition to turbulence occurs at Re > 120, independent of Froude number. For Fr > 20 and Re 120 these instabilities cause the fountain to intermittently breakdown into turbulent jet like flow. A regime map of the fountain behaviour for 0:7 < Fr < 55 and 15 < Re < 1100 is presented and the underlying mechanisms for the observed behaviour are proposed

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