
Comparison of added mass coefficients for a floating tanker evaluated by conformal mapping and boundary element methods


One of the important parameters needed to model ship motions in a seaway is the added mass matrix of the hull. Current state-ofthe- art boundary element methods routinely evaluate the 6 x 6 added mass matrices as part of the radiation problem solution. These developments have largely superseded conventional approaches to sectional added mass evaluation using conformal mapping techniques. However, conformal mapping techniques are still attractive in terms of their mathematical explicitness and computational simplicity. The recurrent form of Bieberbach Method of conformal mapping was developed for mapping the exterior of a closed curve i.e. the two-dimensional ship cross section and its mirror image, into the exterior of the circle oscillating vertically at free surface and to compute the added mass coefficients. By incorporating a strip theory approximation the added mass coefficients of a three dimensional structure can be estimated from its two-dimensional section coefficients at different drafts. In this paper we have applied this method to calculate the heave, pitch and heave induced pitch added mass coefficients of a tanker. The applicability of these conformal mapping techniques to floating platforms under consideration is discussed, by comparing the results with state-of-the-art industry standard boundary element methods, AQWA and SESAM

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