
Nonequilibrium radiation measurements and modelling relevant to Titan entry


An update to a collisional-radiative model developed by Magin1 for Huygens Titan atmospheric entry is proposed. The model is designed to predict the nonequilibrium populations and the radiation emitted from cyanogen and nitrogen during the entry of the Huygens probe into the Titan atmosphere. Radiation during Titan entry is important at lower speeds (around 5 – 6 km/s) more so than other planetary entries due to the formation of cyanogen in the shock layer, which is a highly radiative species. The model has been tested against measurements obtained with the EAST shock tube of NASA Ames Research Centre.1,2 The motivation for the update is due to the large discrepancies shown in the postshock fall-off rates of the radiation when compared to the experimental EAST shock tube test results. Modifications were made to the reaction rates used to calculate the species concentrations in the flow field. The reaction that was deemed most influential for the radiation fall off rate was the dissociation of molecular nitrogen. The model with modified reaction rates showed significantly better agreement with the EAST data. This paper also includes experimental results for radiation and spectra for Titan entry. Experiments were performed on the University of Queensland's X2 expansion tube. Spectra were recorded at various positions behind the shock. This enabled the construction of radiation profiles for Titan entry, as well as wavelength plots to identify various radiating species, in this case, predominately CN violet. This paper includes radiation profiles to compare with experiments performed at NASA Ames. It is planned that further experiments will be performed to cover a larger pressure range than NASA Ames. Good qualitative agreement has so far been obtained between our data and NASA Ames, however, it should be noted at the time of printing, the experimental spectrum have not been calibrated absolutely

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