
Analysis of Scramjet Flight Trajectories with Oxygen Enrichment


Scramjets are proposed as a second stage for a multi-stage access-to-space system. At present the upper limit of scramjet operation is expected to be Mach 12-14. Use of oxygen enrichment is a possible method for increasing the speed and altitude of scramjet operation. This paper involves mission analysis of scramjets using oxygen enrichment. It follows on from Smart & Tetlow [5], in which trajectory studies of a threestage rocket-scramjet-rocket access-to-space system were conducted. These calculations indicated that the net thrust (scramjet thrust - vehicle drag) of a hypersonic vehicle with three scramjet engine modules was reduced to very low levels above Mach 12. The current work examines the use of oxygen enrichment in the scramjet to increase net thrust above Mach 10. Results of the study indicate that an important effect of oxygen enrichment is to allow scramjet powered vehicle operation at higher altitude

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