Hadley cell emergence and extent in axisymmetric, nearly inviscid, planetary atmospheres


The authors consider constraints from axisymmetric, nearly inviscid theory on Hadley cell emergence and extent in dry planetary atmospheres. Existing versions of the well-known Hide's constraint relating Hadley cell emergence to the distributions of absolute angular momentum (M) and the vertical component of absolute vorticity (η) are unified, amounting to any of M > Ωa^2, M u_(amc) condition provides a simple explanation for why cross-equatorial Hadley circulations typically extend as far into the winter- as the summer hemisphere. The classical "equal-area" models predict φ_a but typically must be solved numerically and always predict φ)a at or poleward of the RCE forcing maximum (φ_m) for φ_m ≠ 0. In an idealized dry general circulation model, a pole-to-pole cross-equatorial Hadley cell emerges if the corresponding RCE state meets some combination of these extent criteria over the entire summer hemisphere. Conversely, the cell edge and φ_a sit far equatorward of φ_m if those criteria are not satisfied near φ_m

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