The variable internal structure of the Mycoplasma penetrans attachment organelle revealed by biochemical and microscopic analyses: implications for attachment organelle mechanism and evolution


Although mycoplasmas have small genomes, many of them, including the HIV-associated opportunist Mycoplasma penetrans, construct a polar attachment organelle (AO) that is used for both adherence to host cells and gliding motility. However, the irregular phylogenetic distribution of similar structures within the mycoplasmas, as well as compositional and ultrastructural differences among these AOs, suggests that AOs have arisen several times through convergent evolution. We investigated the ultrastructure and protein composition of the cytoskeleton-like material of the M. penetrans AO with several forms of microscopy and biochemical analysis, to determine whether the M. penetrans AO was constructed at the molecular level on principles similar to those of other mycoplasmas, such as Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Mycoplasma mobile. We found that the M. penetrans AO interior was generally dissimilar from that of other mycoplasmas, in that it exhibited considerable heterogeneity in size and shape, suggesting a gel-like nature. In contrast, several of the 12 potential protein components identified by mass spectrometry of M. penetrans detergent-insoluble proteins shared certain distinctive biochemical characteristics with M. pneumoniae AO proteins, although not with M. mobile proteins. We conclude that convergence between M. penetrans and M. pneumoniae AOs extends to the molecular level, leading to the possibility that the less organized material in both M. pneumoniae and M. penetrans is the substance principally responsible for the organization and function of the AO

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