SBML Level 3 package: Groups, Version 1 Release 1


Biological models often contain components that have relationships with each other, or that modelers want to treat as belonging to groups with common characteristics or shared metadata. The SBML Level 3 Version 1 Core specification does not provide an explicit mechanism for expressing such relationships, but it does provide a mechanism for SBML packages to extend the Core specification and add additional syntactical constructs. The SBML Groups package for SBML Level 3 adds the necessary features to SBML to allow grouping of model components to be expressed. Such groups do not affect the mathematical interpretation of a model, but they do provide a way to add information that can be useful for modelers and software tools. The SBML Groups package enables a modeler to include definitions of groups and nested groups, each of which may be annotated to convey why that group was created, and what it represents

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