Project 1640: the world's first ExAO coronagraphic hyperspectral imager for comparative planetary science


Project 1640, a high-contrast spectral-imaging effort involving a coordinated set of instrumentation and software, built at AMNH, JPL, Cambridge and Caltech, has been commissioned and is fully operational. This novel suite of instrumentation includes a 3388+241-actuator adaptive optics system, an optimized apodized pupil Lyot coronagraph, an integral field spectrograph, and an interferometric calibration wave front sensor. Project 1640 is the first of its kind of instrumentation, designed to image and characterize planetary systems around nearby stars, employing a variety of techniques to break the speckle-noise barrier. It is operational roughly one year before any similar project, with the goal of reaching a contrast of 10^(-7) at 1 arcsecond separation. We describe the instrument, highlight recent results, and document on-sky performance at the start of a 3-year, 99-night survey at the Palomar 5-m Hale telescope

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