Informal Progress Report No. 3 on The Incorporation of Bending into the Buckling Delamination Analysis


In a previous report a one dimensional model of buckling-delamination in a column was summarized. The main assumption made in that report was that the unbuckled portions of the column can be assumed to remain straight. The purpose of this report is to investigate the more general problem in which bending effects are taken into account. We deal here with the case of a single off center delamination in a column. (The case of multi-delaminations in a column can be worked out too under slight modifications.) Following the general procedure outlined in previous reports, consider the column of unit width shown in fig, la, State I represents the unstressed column while state I1 denotes the axially and uniformally compressed column. State III differs from II by allowing the delamination to buckle. Our aim here is to find an expression for the strain energy release rate of state III

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