Latex Particle Size Determination Using Diffraction Peaks Obtained with the Point Focusing X-Ray Monochromator


We describe the results of experiments we have made, using the point focusing monochromator as the primary tool, to determine the particle size of latex spheres. The suitability of the instrument for this particular study is described and the experimental data obtained are tabulated, these data coming from our experiments with three physically distinct samples of Dow latex. We attempt to make a critical interpretation of the data by considering separately several possible space arrangements which the latex spheres might assume when the water, which is initially the suspending fluid, is evaporated. Corrections for the finite size and shape of the "point" focus are described. The absence of a significant difference in the mean particle sizes of the three samples considered is established. The data from all three samples is combined to yield a mean particle diameter under an external pressure of one atmosphere of 2687.5A with a statistical standard deviation of 1.2A and a fixed (systematic) error estimated to be not more than ±7A

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