On Diviccaro, Fisher and Sessa open questions


summary:Let KK be a closed convex subset of a complete convex metric space XX and T,I:KKT, I: K \rightarrow K two compatible mappings satisfying following contraction definition: Tx,Ty)(Ix,Iy)+(1a)max {Ix.Tx), Iy,Ty)}Tx, Ty)\le (Ix, Iy)+(1-a)\max \ \lbrace Ix.Tx),\ Iy, Ty)\rbrace for all x,yx,y in KK, where 0<a<1/2p10<a<1/2^{p-1} and p1p\ge 1. If II is continuous and I(K)I(K) contains [T(K)][T(K)] , then TT and II have a unique common fixed point in KK and at this point TT is continuous. This result gives affirmative answers to open questions set forth by Diviccaro, Fisher and Sessa in connection with necessarity of hypotheses of linearity and non-expansivity of II in their Theorem [3] and is a generalisation of that Theorem. Also this result generalizes theorems of Delbosco, Ferrero and Rossati [2], Fisher and Sessa [4], Gregus [5], G. Jungck [7] and Mukherjee and Verma [8]. Two examples are presented, one of which shows the generality of this result

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