
Boston University Bulletin. School of Management; Graduate Programs, 1980-1981


Each year Boston University publishes a bulletin for all undergraduate programs and separate bulletins for each School and College, Summer Term, and Overseas Programs. Requests for the undergraduat e bulle tin should be addressed to the Admissions Office and those for other bulletins to the individual School or College. This bulletin contains current information regarding the calendar, admissions, degree requirements, fees, regulations, and course offerings. The policy of the University is to give advance notice of change, when ever possible, to permit adjustment. The University reserves the right in its sole judgment to make changes of any nature in its program, calendar, or academic schedule whenever it is deemed necessary or desirable, including changes in course content, the rescheduling of classes with or without extending the academic term, canceling of scheduled classes and other academic activities, and requiring or affording alternatives for schedul ed classes or other academic activities, in any such case giving such notice thereof as is reasonably practicable under the circumstances. Boston University Bulletins (USPS 061-540) are published twenty times a year: one in January, one in March, four in May, four in June, six in July, one in August, and three in September

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