Islamic Law and the International Protection of Women\u27s Rights:


Part I of this article develops Nigeria\u27s history of political unrest and deeply divided Muslim and Christian population resulting in the recent emergence of religious governance by Shari\u27a Law. Part II describes current international law as well as Nigeria\u27s international commitments under three specific treaties. The three treaties discussed are the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women ( CEDA W ), the Optional Protocol to CEDA W ( The Protocol ), and the Convention Against Torture, and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment ( CAT ). Part III details how Shari\u27a Law conflicts with Nigeria\u27s commitments under the treaties and what enforcement mechanisms have failed to allow for such insubordination. Finally, Part IV of this article sets forth proposals for the future of international law. These proposals include how the international community can alter treaties and the treaty reservation process to better effectuate the goals they set forth. These suggestions will be applied to Amina Lawal to demonstrate how such changes could have saved her from her sentenced execution

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