Leadership styles can be classified into different buckets based on previously developed leadership framework theories such as transformational, transactional, charismatic, and democratic leadership. This thesis explores the characteristics that define the Nordic style of leadership from a cross-cultural perspective. Under the assumption that the four Nordic nations: Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden share a similar set of leadership practices, my capstone investigates the linkage between the Nordic national cultures and the influences on the leadership approach. The four small, but powerful nations are the homes to many corporations recognized for their highly innovative solutions to meet consumer needs. Nordic leaders apply the cultural norms of honesty and consensus into the Nordic work environment creating an effective set of leadership principles that competitively position Nordic companies across the global market. Is this leadership model only effective in a controlled environment with favorable external support from the society? Understanding the external conditions that support the Nordic leadership framework helps determine the possibility of transferring the model in other countries and how the leadership characteristics can be replicated