Modification of carboplatin by Jurkat cells


Using [1H,15N] heteronuclear single quantum coherance (HSQC) NMR and 15N-labeled carboplatin, 1, we show that Jurkat cells affect the rate of disappearance of the HSQC NMR peak in culture medium for this Pt2+ anticancer drug. The decay or disappearance rate constant for 1 in culture medium containing cells is k1=kc[CO32-]+km+kuN, where kc is the rate constant for reaction of 1 with carbonate in the medium, km is the rate constant for reaction of 1 with all other components of the medium, and ku is the rate constant for reaction of 1 with cells having a number density N in the medium. Since Jurkat cells only take up a small amount of the platinum present in the medium (\u3c1%), the observed disappearance of the HSQC NMR peak for 1 cannot be due to uptake of carboplatin by the cells

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