Effects of Energy Supplementation of Corn-oat Rations for Growing-Finishing Swine


According to the South Dakota Crop and Livestock Reporting Service of the United States Department of Agriculture in 1960 South Dakota ranked third in the nation in the production of oats. Twenty-four percent of all grains produced in South Dakota was oats. The efficient utilization of oats is therefore important. One of the limiting factors in the use of oats for growing pigs is their low available energy. Animal fats are relatively high in energy. In recent years animal fats have become a surplus item due to their reduced industrial use. This surplus has resulted in low fat prices in relation to other feed ingredients. Feed manufacturers use fat in considerable amounts to reduce dustiness, increase pellet production, and improve the life of pelleting equipment. Many of the earlier studies with lipids in swine rations were aimed at proving them unnecessary and undesirable. Maynard (1935) stated that there was an absence of any interest in feeding fat to swine, aside from its relation to the soft pork problem, and that the content of this nutrient in rations was determined largely by the demand for fat by manufacturing industries which had established a trend resulting in the removal of fat from feed ingredients. He went on to review numerous studies emphasizing the detrimental effect of fats and fatty constituents as well as the fact that very little was needed in the ration. The purpose of these studies was to determine whether or not increased energy by the use of animal fat additions would improve the feeding value of rations containing a high level of oats, and if adjustments in protein would be beneficial with this increased energy. Rate of gain, feed efficiency, and carcass evaluations were used in determining this feeding value

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