Seasonal Movements of Prairie Grouse in South Dakota


From 1962 through 1966, 1,401 plains sharp-tailed grouse (Pedicecetes phasianellus jamesi) and greater prairie chickens (Tympanuchus cupide pinnatus) were trapped in Gregory and Lyman Counties in south-central South Dakota. Cannon-projected nets and funnel traps were used to capture prairie grouse on breeding grounds and winter baitsites. Some birds were marked with backtags and leg-markers. Movement information was obtained from field observations, hunter reports, sharp-tailed grouse collections, and by recapturing banded birds. Male birds moved less than two miles from winter baitsites to breeding areas; most movements over five miles were made by immature female birds. Seventy-seven percent of the hunter reported birds were taken within three miles of winter baitsites. Prairie grouse used winter baitsites more than one year although some birds exchanged sites during the season and from one year to the next. The limited movement by most sharp-tailed grouse indicates that habitat requirements are adequate throughout the area studied. Improvement of existing habitat for food and cover will probably be the most productive management too

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