Science, Ethics, and Politics: Conversations and Investigations


Gregory R. Peterson (with Kevin S. Reimer, and Michael Spezio, Warren Brown, James Van Slyke, and Kristen Renwick Monroe) is a contributing author, “Virtuous Courage: New Methods for the Interdisciplinary Study of Virtue. Book description: The relationship between science and ethics has been subject to much debate. This volume demonstrates the mutually beneficial relationship that can take place between ethics and science. It presents work that utilises the tools of science - broadly conceptualised - to elucidate ethical issues, showing that careful scientific analysis of ethical issues can reveal new insights. This is supplemented by conversations with the authors - some of them pre-eminent scientists addressing issues of ethics, including two Nobel laureates - to learn how they came to the study of ethics and ask how they conceptualise and think about ethical issues. Science, Ethics and Politics provides substantive insight into particular ethical issues, ranging from issues of torture during war to parents\u27 obligations to children. This book is designed as a complement to traditional texts on ethics and should appeal to students of ethics as well as to the general public.

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