An Evaluation of the Baking and Boiling Qualities of Eight Varieties of Potatoes


In 1942 the Sebago, Pontiac and Sequoia potatoes grown. at Brookings were late blight-resistant and somewhat scab-resistant. The prevalence of scab in Deuel County and a part of Codington County may make it highly desirable to resort to a resistant variety for table stock production in that area. One of the prime requisites of a potato variety is its cooking quality, and varieties differ in their relative response to different methods; for instance baking and boiling. To evaluate these three varieties in that respect, they were scored, when baked and boiled, along side Early Ohio, Irish Cobbler, Bliss Triumph, Katahdin, and Chippewa, all produced in the same plot at Brookings in 1942. Early Ohio, Irish Cobbler, and Bliss Triumph are the three standard sorts; Katahdin and Chippewa are recent introductions which are finding their place in potato production in South Dakota. The Warba variety was not included because it is considered an extremely early home garden potato and therefore does not compete with these varieties Potatoes were stored after harvesting in a root cellar until April. The temperature was approximately 40° F until March when it increased slightly about 5°

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