A Year\u27s Progress with South Dakota\u27s Farm Electric Test Line


America uses a great deal of electric service in her cities for lighting appliances and power, but service offered the rural districts from power lines, in the past has been limited and poorly organized. The farmer has not been a desirable customer for the power companies and frequently has accused the power companies of charging excessive rates. One reason for this is found in the high cost of distribution of electric energy. It costs too much money to run a low voltage electric line to a farm just for lighting service. If the power company built the line, the interest, depreciation and line service alone would cost them around 8.00permonth.Iftheygavetheelectricityawayafterthelinewasbuilt,theywouldhavetoget8.00 per month. If they gave the electricity away after the line was built, they would have to get 8.00 per month from some source or the company would lose money in addition to the loss on free electricity. If the farmer builds the line, it will cost him as much or more

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