Applying The Principles Of Integrated Pest Management To Poultry Production In South Dakota


The 7billiongrossincomeforpoultry,withtheexceptionofthebroilerchickenindustry,issharedbynearlyeverystateintheUnion.Totalfarmincomefor1977(broilers,eggs,turkeys)showedanincreaseto7 billion gross income for poultry, with the exception of the broiler chicken industry, is shared by nearly every state in the Union. Total farm income for 1977 (broilers, eggs, turkeys) showed an increase to 7.2 billion, but a regional breakdown was not available (USDA Agr. Sta., 1977). Even though many of the components for integrated pest management in poultry production are known, more specific knowledge of how best to utilize these components is needed

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