Pregnancy Diagnosis in the Ewe


A total 378 ewe lambs were evaluated for signs of pregnancy by five operators using five methods of detection. The methods used were breeding mark, rectal-abdominal palpation, an intrarectal Doppler instrument and two ultrasonic devices, the Scanoprobe and Scanopreg (Model 738) for sheep. Accuracies of pregnancy diagnosis by grease mark were 65.7% in 1976 and 75.5% in 1977 (P\u3c.05) based on lambing results. Accuracy of daignosis for ewe lambs called pregnany or nonpregnany using the recetal-abdominal palpation technique was 62.7%. The overall accuracy on the same ewes using the intrarectal Doppler device was 72.7%. The ewes were examined when they were from 60 to 96 days of gestation using the two rectal probes. Seven ewes died from peritonitis and six aborted following pregnancy detection using the rectal instruments. Accuracy using the Scanoprobe device was 89.1% for ewe lambs which ranged from 69 to 103 days pregnant. The accuracy achieved when the same ewes were evaluated at 78 to 112 days of gestation using the Scanopreg device 94.8%. No injuries occurred following pregnancy detection using the two ultrasonic devices. Ewes called open with the Scanopreg were retested the following day with a 98.8% accuracy rate

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