Choosing Breeds and Crossbreeding Systems by Computer


A computer program called Simumate has been developed that will allow a producer to evaluate crossbreeding systems for his particular nutrition and management situation using the breeds of his choice. This program, based on a method suggested by Dearborn (1970), takes into account energy requirements for maintenance of the cow, for milk production and for gain required during the gestation period (Neville and McCullough, 1969). It also takes into account the reproductive rate, growth rate, selling prices at several stages and the costs of production both feed and fixed in arriving at a net return for all straightbreds, all possible two breed rotation, three breed rotation and specialized crosses. In order to acquaint the producer with the program, the following example has been calculated. This example is intended only to acquaint the producer with what the program can do for him and should not be used for planning a program. The cost situation should be tailored to the individual ranch unit and the breed estimates will vary with the nutrition and management levels of different operations

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