The Effects of Mating and Management Systems on Beed Production Angus-Charolais Crossbreeding Project


Angus and Charolais heifers purchased in 1968 as weaning calves were used to initiate a crossbreeding project at Brookings. In phase I of this project these heifers were mated by artificial insemination to either an Angus or Charolais bull to produce straightbred Angus, straightbred Charolais, Angus x Charolais and Charolais x Angus calves. (Crosses are denoted in this report with breed of sire listed first.) Three such calf crops have been produced. The heifers from these three calf crops are being used in phase II of the project which consists of a long-term comparison of straightbred and crossbred cows in two environments, pasture and drylot. Individual feed consumption from weaning through the duration of the project is being obtained on heifers assigned to the drylot portion of the study. In addition, individual feed consumption from weaning to slaughter will be measured on all offspring from phase II drylot cows

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