

In the spring of 1897 the Division of Agrostology, U. S. Department of Agriculture sent a collection of Millet seed which it had gathered from seedsmen at several widely distant places throughout the United States, with a request that we co-operate with them by raising, harvesting and carefully noting the characteristics of each of the various samples and reporting to them. This we have done, and we presume that results obtained from the co-operative experiments conducted at this as well as many other stations, will soon be issued in bulletin form from the Department at Washington. Believing that the bulletins from this station reach a large number of the farmers of this state who do not receive the Department publications, we have decided to publish the results of our own experiments, both with the seeds obtained from the Department and from other sources. The purpose of this bulletin is ·to classify the various samples which are being sold under so many different names, and to arrange them in groups; each such group having the characteristics of some well-known, popular variety, regardless of the trade names under which they are being sold, and to show their comparative value for this state. The Millets were all sown on well-prepared land of uniform quality, no manure having been applied for at least five years. The sowing was done on May 21, with a hand garden drill making the rows two feet apart. They were cultivated and hoed during the season and kept free from weeds

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