Teen Perceptions of Sexual Health Education in Marin County


Sexual health education in the United States has generally been taught utilizing two approaches, Abstinence-only or Comprehensive sex education. Abstinence- only until marriage programs teach abstinence as the preferred option in expressing sexuality and reducing risk of negative outcomes. This type of education usually censors out information regarding contraception and other barriers for protecting against sexually transmitted diseases (advocatesforyouth.org). Comprehensive-sex education also teaches that abstinence is the best method in preventing unintended pregnancies but it additionally explores preventative methods for people who choose to engage in sexual behavior. Although larger studies have been conducted in comprehensive or abstinence education, it’s rare that adolescent perceptions are incorporated in the research. My research will explore perceptions of the effectiveness of sexual health education offered in Marin County schools. This research will be conducted through an interview process with adolescents who attend local high schools in Marin County. I will investigate various factors that contribute to how adolescents perceive the sexual health education that is being offered. Through the analysis of the interviews, I will provide recommendations for health education professionals, so that they can provide services that teens in Marin County perceive as relevant or effective

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