How to Better Support Individuals Who have a Special Needs Sibling


The purpose of this study was to understand the emotions of a neurotypically developing sibling. This study also attempted to understand how caregivers can best support the neurotypical sibling in the areas of self-concept and overall wellbeing. The gap is knowledge is how to better support neurotypical developing siblings specifically in the areas of self-concept and overall well being. Three participants were interviewed to gain insight about their experiences with their special needs sibling. Participants who participated in a support group for neurotypical developing children with a SNS were surveyed to gain insight about their experiences with the support group. Through the qualitative method approach, it was found that the neurotypical sibling experiences a variety of emotions that include happy, calm, angry, anxiety, worry, and accepting.The survey responses provided evidence that support groups are beneficial and can provide emotional support in the areas of self-concept and overall well being

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