
Telehealth and Mobile Health Applied To IntegratedBehavioral Care: OpportunitiesFor Progress In New Hampshire


This paper is an accompanying document to a webinar delivered on May 16, 2017, for the New Hampshire Citizens Health Initiative (Initiative). As integrated behavioral health efforts in New Hampshire gain traction, clinicians, administrators, payers, and policy makers are looking for additional efficiencies in delivering high quality healthcare. Telehealth and mobile health (mHealth) have the opportunity to help achieve this while delivering a robust, empowered patient experience. The promise of video-based technology was first made in 1964 as Bell Telephone shared its Picturephone® with the world. This was the first device with audio and video delivered in an integrated technology platform. Fast-forward to today with Skype, FaceTime, and webinar tools being ubiquitous in our personal and business lives, but often slow to be adopted in the delivery of medicine. Combining technology-savvy consumers with New Hampshire’s high rate of electronic health record (EHR) technology adoption, a fairly robust telecommunications infrastructure, and a predominately rural setting, there is strong foundation for telehealth and mHealth expansion in New Hampshire’s integrated health continuum

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