Human Skeletal Remains from 41CP25, the Peach ORchard Overlook Site, and their Archaeological Context


Human skeletal remains analyzed from the Peach Orchard Overlook site (41CP25) were recovered from a burial exposed along the eroding shoreline of Lake Bob Sandlin in the mid-1980s. Although the remains appeared to be from a single individual, a minimum of two individuals were represented by the human remains studied by Wilson; there was also one non-human tooth (possibly a deer molar) that will not be discussed in this article. The human remains described here from the Peach Orchard Overlook site are from an Early Caddoan (ca. A.D. 1000-1200) period component, based on the recovery of Crockett Curvilinear Incised and East Incised vessels in association with the dental remains. According to Thurmond, mortuary patterns from the Early Caddoan period in the Big Cypress Creek basin are not well known because few intact burials have been found and studied

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