
Vulnerability Analysis of Modern Electric Grids: A Mathematical Optimization Approach


Electrical power must be transmitted through a vast and complicated network of interconnected grids to arrive at one’s fingertips. The US electric grid network and its components are rapidly advancing and adapting to the advent of smart technologies. Production of electricity is transitioning to sustainable processes derived from renewable energy sources like wind and solar power to decrease dependence on nonrenewable fossil fuels. These newly pervasive natures of smart technology and the variable power supply of renewable energy introduce previously unexamined vulnerabilities into the modern electric grid. Disruption of grid operations is not uncommon, and the effects can be economically and societally severe. Thus, a vulnerability analysis can provide decision makers with the ability to characterize points of improvement in the networks they supervise. This thesis performs a vulnerability analysis of electric grid operations including storage. This vulnerability analysis is achieved through a set of numerical experiments on a multi-period optimal power flow model including storage and variable demand. This model resulted in an analysis indicating storage is helpful in increasing resilience in networks with excess generation, no matter how severe the disruption. Networks with constrained generation benefit little, if at all, from storage. This analysis allows us to conclude careful implementation is the best way to improve electric grid security in the face of widespread use of renewable energy and smart technology

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