A Windows-based roadway maintenance management system


A Maintenance Management System (MMS), as the name suggests, is a system used to manage maintenance activities on any infrastructure system or facility such as a road network. Maintenance of a road network involves repair, construction and improvement of pavements and the right of way elements that deteriorate due to their usage, exposure to the environment and various other causes such as impact during crashes, vandalism etc. Management of the maintenance activities is critical to maintain the level of service of the road network, public safety and welfare and for effective and efficient fiscal planning. Since this involves large expenses, a system that would improve the efficiency is not only useful but also necessary; The development of a prototype roadway MMS is presented in this thesis. The basic information such as the names of the personnel, street, equipment and material, the wage rates, the lengths of the street segments, the maintenance activities etc. need to be entered into the system before details about projects can be stored. The application has the appropriate functions to allow the user to input such data. The user can obtain a summary report showing the total cost, the breakdown of the cost by personnel, equipment and material, and the amount that is left to be paid for each project. The user also can query the database and also view the different tables. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

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