Design of Theoretical Framework: Global and Local Parameters Requirements for Libraries


Library is one of the important aspect in modern reading environment. Theoretical framework is an inevitable and indispensable for each and every library in the field of automated and digital library system. In this original research paper all the parameters have selected on the basis of global recommendations and local requirements for libraries in six theoretical sections. Designing the theoretical framework in the following areas such as (i) Theoretical framework of integrated library system cluster (ii) Theoretical framework of community communication and interaction (iii) Theoretical framework of digital media archiving cluster (iv) Theoretical framework of content management system (v) Theoretical framework of learning content management system (vi) Theoretical framework of federated search system. Integrated library system cluster two things are more important development of ILS and open source ILS software. On the other hand it also crafted the requirement of parameters selection and it can be developed in three ways such as basic parameters settings, theoretical framework for housekeeping operations, and theoretical framework for information retrieval system. Software selection and parameter selection is also an pivotal tasks in the field or theoretical framework of community communication and interaction. Theoretical framework of digital media archiving cluster can be developed in three sections such as selection of software, selection of standards, and metadata selection for all the libraries. Content management system can be developed in three ways such as workflow of content management system, software selection in CMS cluster, and parameters selection in CMS cluster. Development of theoretical framework of learning content management system for libraries in three sections such as Components of Learning Content Management System , Software selection in LCMS cluster, and Parameters selection in LCMS cluster. Software selection and parameters selection is also an important components in the federated search system theoretical framework for the development of single window based interface

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