

Architecture is a space for stories; stories of the inhabitants, the designers, and the builders... In my thesis I’m using architecture to tell stories, and criticize ideologies. Stories become the program, the structure, and “building material”, my site is any place where the criticized ideology dominates. Architecture becomes a question and discussion. It is my question about life, and it is the question of the characters of the story about life. Eventually it’s the question of every inhabitant of it. It’s also an armature for different conditions of interaction of private and public. In my architecture, spaces are constructed from specific vantage points of different characters of the story, from both literal and ideological vantage points. The inhabitants of it have the chance to see “live” the story from someone else’s eyes, and maybe the world, through different point of views... Inhabitants can also live and create their own stories both in the physical and in the story space

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