Gestational diabetes mellitus: From consensus to action on screening and treatment


The 1998 consensus guidelines on the management of gestational diabetes mellitus from the Australasian Diabetes in Pregnancy Society emphasised that, “due to a lack of good quality randomised controlled clinical trials in the area of [gestational diabetes mellitus], these guidelines are based on what is a reasonable consensus of informed opinion in Australasia”.1 The clear benefits of treating women with gestational diabetes according to these guidelines have now been demonstrated by the Australian Carbohydrate Intolerance Study in Pregnant Women (ACHOIS).2 This study randomised 1000 women with gestational diabetes to either routine antenatal care or to an intervention that comprised home glucose monitoring, review by a diabetes educator, dietitian and physician, and insulin therapy if glycaemic targets were not met. Serious adverse perinatal outcomes occurred in 1% of the intervention group versus 4% of the routine-care group (adjusted relative risk, 0.33 [95% CI, 0.14–0.75]). The percentage of infants who were large for gestational age was lower in the intervention group (13% v 22%), with no increase in those who were small for gestational age. Although induction of labour was more common in the intervention group (39% v 29%), rates of caesarean delivery were similar (around 31%). Measures of maternal quality of life were more favourable in the intervention group. To prevent one serious perinatal outcome, 34 women needed to be treated. The 1998 guidelines were equivocal in regard to screening for gestational diabetes, allowing either for universal screening or for selective screening based on clinical risk factors in relatively lowrisk populations. In the light of the findings of ACHOIS, we believe that universal screening should now be accepted and implemented

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