Exploring algorithms to recognize similar board states in Arimaa


The game of Arimaa was invented as a challenge to the field of game-playing artificial intelligence, which had grown somewhat haughty after IBM\u27s supercomputer Deep Blue trounced world champion Kasparov at chess. Although Arimaa is simple enough for a child to learn and can be played with an ordinary chess set, existing game-playing algorithms and techniques have had a difficult time rising up to the challenge of defeating the world\u27s best human Arimaa players, mainly due to the game\u27s impressive branching factor. This thesis introduces and analyzes new algorithms and techniques that attempt to recognize similar board states based on relative piece strength in a concentrated area of the board. Using this data, game-playing programs would be able to recognize patterns in order to discern tactics and moves that could lead to victory or defeat in similar situations based on prior experience

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