
The Mellow and Autler-Townes probe absorption spectra of a three-level atom in a cascade configuration with the lower transition coherently driven and also coupled to a narrow bandwidth squeezed-vacuum field are studied. Analytical studies of the modifications caused by the finite squeezed-vacuum bandwidth to the spectra are made for the case when the Rabi frequency of the driving field is much larger than the natural linewidth. The squeezed vacuum center frequency and the driving laser frequency are assumed equal. We show that the spectral features depend on the bandwidth of a squeezed vacuum field and whether the sources of the squeezing field are degenerate (DPA) or nondegenerate (NDPA) parametric amplifiers. In a broadband or narrow bandwidth squeezed vacuum generated by a NDPA, the central component of the Mellow spectrum can be significantly narrower than that in the normal vacuum. When the source of the squeezed vacuum is a DPA, the central feature is insensitive to squeezing. The Rabi sidebands, however, can be significantly narrowed only in the squeezed vacuum produced by the DPA. The two lines of the Autler-Townes absorption spectrum can be narrowed only in a narrow bandwidth squeezed vacuum, whereas they are independent of the phase and are always broadened in a broadband squeezed vacuum

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