
Corrigendum to "A Study Of Human T-Cell Lines Generated From Multiple Sclerosis Patients And Controls By Stimulation With Peptides Of Myelin Basic Protein" (J. Neuroimmunol. 70, 65-74)


The amino acid sequences of the 5D and 5E synthetic peptides used in the above study inadvertently contained two lysine K residues (MYKKDSH) instead of the one K residue (MYKDSH) present in the natural sequences of the 21.5 and 20.2 kDa isoforms of human myelin basic protein. Thus, the sequences published in Table 1 correctly describe the peptides that were used, but peptides 5D and 5E differ from native myelin basic protein sequences by the insertion of an additional lysine residue. This extra lysine residue in peptides 5D and 5E should be considered when interpreting the proliferative and cytotoxic responses to these two peptides. However, it has no impact on the responses to any of the other peptides including all those representing the 18.5 kDa isoform or on the overall conclusions of the paper. The authors apologise for any confusion caused

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