
Optical Measurement of Microscopic Forces and Torques


Many spectacular successes have resulted from the use of laser trapped particles as force-sensing probes. For example, the forces applied to a DNA molecule as an RNA copy is made have been measured, as well as the physical properties of DNA. Optically trapped particles can be used to probe small forces and weak interactions which cannot be readily measured in any other way due to extreme sensitivity to ambient conditions. A number of groups have made measurements of trapping forces, with differing levels of sensitivity and accuracy. However, a serious and fundamental problem common to virtually all measurements of this type is the lack of reliable absolute measurement. Viscous drag forces are generally used for calibration, which immediately presents the problem of changes in viscosity resulting from heating by the trapping beam. Since the optical trapping forces are due to the transfer of momentum from the beam to the particle, it is in principle possible to measure the applied force and torque by measuring the momentum of the scattered light. Direct optical determination of the force and torque gives an absolute measurement, immediately eliminating difficulties with calibration. The theory of direct optical measurement of forces and torques acting on laser trapped non-spherical and birefringent probe particles is presented

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