Small Mammals of Ford County, Kansas


A study of the small mammals of Ford County, Kansas was made between January 23, 1958, and December 30, 1958. Four principal methods were employed to study the small mammals of Ford County. Snap trapping: Seventy-four sites were selected at various sections of the county representing ever type of available habitat. Areas were selected for trapping on the basis of: (1) plant communities, (2) soil types and (3) areas which were relatively undisturbed, except in the case of farm land. Trap lines were established across the selected areas, with 30 clusters of three traps at 50 foot intervals. Two regular mouse traps and one museum special trap were set in each cluster, and placed in the best possible position to catch the small mammals. Traps were baited with a rolled oats-peanut butter paste and were maintained at each site for three consecutive nights. Traps were run early each morning, the specimens removed, weighed, measured and stomach contents removed. A total of 17,280 trap nights gave a catch of 2,288 specimens representing 13 species. Road kills: Road-killed specimens were collected whenever possible. The animals were weighed, measured, and stomach contents removed. Observation: Observations were made whenever possible and the actions and behavior of small mammals in their natural habitats were recorded. Scat and pellet analyses: Scat, pellets and fecal pellets were collected in the field and analyzed in the laboratory to determine the food habits and predators of several mammals. Remains of small mammals found in the scat and pellets were identified. Food habits of the small mammals were determined, from an analysis of stomach contents, fecal material and from the literature

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