A design for large-area fast photo-detectors with transmission-line readout and waveform sampling


We present a preliminary design and the results of simulation for a photo-detector module to be used in applications requiring the coverage of areas of many square meters with time resolutions less than 10 picoseconds and position resolutions of less than a millimeter for charged particles. The source of light is Cherenkov light in a radiator/window; the amplification is provided by panels of micro-pores functionalized to act as microchannel plates (MCPs). The good time and position resolution stems from the use of an array of parallel 50 Ω transmission lines (strips) as the collecting anodes. The anode strips feed multi-GS/sec sampling chips which digitize the pulse waveform at each end of the strip, allowing a measurement of the time from the average of the two ends, and a 2-dimensional position measurement from the difference of times on a strip, and, in the orthogonal direction, the strip number, or a centroid of the charges deposited on adjacent strips. The module design is constructed so that large areas can be `tiled' by an array of modules

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