The most efficient and effective ways to address new literacies for the 21st century classroom


The purpose of this study is to provide an extensive review of literature that focuses on the most efficient and effective ways to implement new literacies in the classroom. It focuses on how to maximize the impact of new literacies instruction on student learning through curriculum, and professional development and discusses the impact of new literacies on student motivation. The thesis provides information on how to define new literacies and discusses the impact they are having on the school environment and learning process. It discusses the importance of new literacies and why they should be integrated into today\u27s classroom. The literature focuses on existing curriculum development approaches that can be beneficial to developing a new literacies curriculum. The literature review finishes with the benefits of motivation and engagement of students with new literacies. Finally, the thesis finishes with considerations for practices and professional development that will allow for successful implementation of new literacies in the classroom. Implementation of new literacies is essential to develop skills and strategies students will need to utilize in order to be successful in the 21st Century

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