Helping the slow learner


The purpose of this study is to increase academic success through the formulation of additional learning experiences for those students we label slow learners. The design of this study is one of action research. Through the observation of material culture and interviews of classroom teachers and Pupil Assistance Committee chairpersons, a list of eligible students will be formulated, with weak academic areas detailed. Additional learning situations will then be established for each subject and set into place through the regular classroom teacher and other certified personnel. Through the course of the school year, records will be kept through spreadsheet format and on-going data analysis will take place to measure growth and/or deficit. At the conclusion of this study, it was found that slow learners\u27 academic achievement could be raised when compared with those scores achieved the previous school year. This was produced through increases in remediation services, additional instructional programs, and pertinent intervention strategies. It is with these results in mind that the intern plans to establish annual assessment of all slow learners from year-to-year to ensure continued academic growth and success

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