You Can Curriculum Map: Using ACRL’s IL Framework to create student learning outcomes and start assessment


This is a visual demonstration of their current curriculum mapping project. The step-by-step process will be outlined to show the different approaches to breaking down ACRL’s Information Literacy Framework to fit the curriculum of a campus. By categorizing classes into pre-disciplinary and major-based, needs emerge at distinct levels which helps make the building of the framework more manageable. These categorizations allow for better understanding and ownership across both core classes and within disciplines on a campus, giving the flexibility to meet the varying needs while reinforcing skills and concepts gained in other courses. This poster will also highlight how student learning outcomes were formed based on both concepts and concrete skills, allowing the library to work towards an across the curriculum assessment. In-class instruction, Library Guides and other created content will be highlighted to show how to develop a multi-pronged approach to engaging students at all stages, across the curriculum in information literacy. This project will show how libraries can start to think about measuring long-term assessment built on the framework and captures how other schools can take on a project of this magnitude

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