The Ursinus Weekly, December 5, 1967


Organizations to profit by 10feeincreaseDr.Armstrong2˘7sdeathgrieved;CampusnumbedatgreatlossDr.Philiptocelebrate30thMessiahconcertStudentgrouptohelpplanUrsinus2˘7growthTenseperformancehypnotizesaudienceInmemoriamAchallengetothosewhowouldavertstarvationBlackstereotype:AdeaderaCandlelightandrosestobeJr.PromthemeLetters:Focusattacksfielded;WeeklypolicycriticizedCulturefansmaymigratetoNewYorkPovertypocketthrivesinBombergercatacombFocusprintedStrictruleschallengedbystudentassemblyspeakerDiskinsailsonshipHopeGulfOilgrants10 fee increase • Dr. Armstrong\u27s death grieved; Campus numbed at great loss • Dr. Philip to celebrate 30th Messiah concert • Student group to help plan Ursinus\u27 growth • Tense performance hypnotizes audience • In memoriam • A challenge to those who would avert starvation • Black stereotype: A dead era • Candlelight and roses to be Jr. Prom theme • Letters: Focus attacks fielded; Weekly policy criticized • Culture fans may migrate to New York • Poverty pocket thrives in Bomberger catacomb • Focus printed • Strict rules challenged by student assembly speaker • Diskin sails on ship Hope • Gulf Oil grants 1,000 to Chem. Department • Can Thompson-Gay become a Palestra? A title is at stake! • Jets thwarted in title quest; Will return for it next year • Bears finish losing season; Disappointment mars end • On Derr steps, Joey Hindle lives! • ZX beats Flowers, wins championships • Greek gleanings

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