The Ursinus Weekly, March 20, 1961


Peiffer is prom queen; Cub & Key taps 5 men • Men urged to take April SSCQ tests • A pair of lunatics, Curtain Club offering • YWCA worker to speak Monday in Paisley Hall • French Club attends Comedie Francaise • Brownback-Anders hears Ben Hauser, Jeff med student • Bogel wins two posts at meeting • Carolyn Boyer elected into Stars and Players • Ed Myers wins SPSEA regional presidential post • Festival concessions encouraged by WSGA • Students sought for jobs in amusement parks • John Swinton is named as new Weekly editor • Holl to address Young Republicans • Campus Chest figures released • Four seniors placed as high school teachers • Officer nominations invited by YM-YWCA • Father Conran to address Newman Club tonight at 6:30 • Editorial: Thank you • Letters to the editor • Eccentric circles • What does organized labor want? • Chapel commentary • Archaeology and the Bible • Intramural corner • Cindermen boast greater depth • Mermaids lose to Swarthmore, 45-30 • Girl basketballers chalk up 2 more • Norm Bramall to present tennis clinic on Thurs. • Greek gleanings

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