The Ursinus Weekly, October 26, 1959


Folk songs and ballads are topic of Jemison on Nov. 4 • Sorority rushees pledged on Sat.; Hold breakfasts • International House features folk balladeers • YM-YW seminar plans juvenile crime discussion • Three lectures on renaissance delivered Sat. • Founders Day Sunday; Dannehower is speaker • MSGA considering T-G gym piano, day study speaker • Editorial: A reply • Just plain Greek • With apologies to Baedeker • Whitians • Freeland tradition • Handwerk named assistant team coach • G-burg, Temple hand defeats to girls hockey team • Ursinus fails to rally as Garnet holds lead • Booters defeat St. Joe\u27s 3-2; Loses to Delaware • Harriers lose to Garnets as Morgan places second • Minor details cleared at WSGA session • APO paperbacks • Greekvine • Symons is speaker at finance workshop • Top European picture at Franklin Institute • Minnich attends annual placement conference

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